Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My $0.02 about the election

Whether you like him or not, Obama winning the election last week is historic for our country. Even though he's just as much a white man as he is a black man, it's still historic that anything but an old, rich, white man is elected our new leader. I had no extremely strong feelings about either candidate, I thought they were both qualified and would do a good job, I'm just anxious to see if Obama's change platform will materialize. Let's hope so.

In other news, I'm quite embarrassed by California and Florida in their votes on the Gay Marriage laws. It's pretty pathetic.

Rather than go all political about it, I'll let Kieth Olbermann's speech from earlier this week say what I want to say.

So, this election, we saw one step forward for one group of people, and one step back for another. Again... hopefully the change platform really means something.

:::hops off soapbox:::

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